Friday, January 4, 2008


i like to do my Bible reading in the morning, at night, in bed, on a couch, in a restaurant, in class, etc. it seems more special when i do it at different times or different places.

but once i read the Bible in my tree house in our backyard. that was a special time. in a tree house, there are no distractions, no people walking in and wanting to talk, no music tempting you to play it while you do your reading, just silence and the Lord, and boy, He can work miracles with those two things.

plus i was 30 feet off the ground which is 30 feet closer to Him right?

in my relationships with friends and family, i often try to have a special place where the two of us hang out or meet to make our friendship seem more special. i see no reason that i should keep that feeling from the Lord Almighty, i want Him to have all of the greatest feelings of my heart and soul. so because of this i dedicate the tree in the backyard and its house to be a special place between me and my Saviour. a place to spend time in prayer and study, to learn and grow, just like a tree.

i will name this time my "treevotional" time.

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